From the Book - First edition.
Wherever you are, stop what you're doing
Winter. The season for sleeping
Praise song for the coming budburst
Praise song for the praise song of a song sparrow in winter
Hate to see that evening sun go down
Prise song for the dog's marvelous nose
Praise song for mole hands in coyote scat
Praise song for a spring I was not alive to see
Spring. The season of waking
Who will mourn them when they are gone?
Praise song for the maple tree's first green
The beautiful world beside the broken one
Wildflowers at my feet and songbirds in my trees
Praise song for the killdeer on the school softball field
Praise song for the alien in the shade garden
Praise song for the redbird who has lost his crest and the skink who has lost his tail
Praise song for Solomon's seal
An acolyte of benign neglect
Praise song for all the beginnings
Praise song for the baby chickadees
Summer. The season of singing
Praise song for the skink who has gone to ground
Praise song for the red fox, screaming in the driveway
Loving the unloved animals
Praise song for the carpenter bees eating our fence to ruin
Kept safe in the womb of the world
Praise song for what hides in plain sight
Praise song for the first red leaf of the black gum tree
Praise song for the ragged season
Praise song for the holes in pawpaw leaves
Praise song for fingers that do not form a fist
Fall. The season of making ready
Praise song for a clothesline in drought
Praise song for the back side of the sign
Praise song for sleeping bees
Praise song for forgetfulness
Because I can't stop drinking in the light
Praise song for a larger home
How to rake leaves on a windy day
An now the light is failing
Praise song for dead leaves